The most incredible running book I’ve ever read!

Post by Whitney :)

I must tell you about the most inspiring, thought-provoking, informative, and incredible running book I have ever read. I love reading. A lot. I keep a list of the books I read each year, and surpass 50 within the 365 days. After finishing this book last night, I logged it as #45 for 2013. Mostly I read fiction, but I bought this book on a whim last time I was at Hastings. Ok, I will get to the point.

Kara Goucher is an Olympic runner. I only recently learned about her, but I have become her newest fan.  kara goucher 3Kara GoucherImage

The entire book was written in sections of advice. Basically, she unloaded all of her running, training, and racing knowledge onto each page. I highly suggest that you purchase your own copy, but I will talk about three of my favorite parts.

1. Much of your training should be at an easy pace. This fact, though seemingly obvious, is something I struggle with. Being an extremely competitive person (Emily is too) I like to compete. All. The. Time. An easy 3 miles? Might as well go for a PR! 9 miles at talking pace? Who needs to talk when you’re by yourself? I haven’t done well with easy and have since tried to change that. My body needs easy, and it actually helps in the long run.

2. To stay in shape and train for your whole life, simply do one easy, one speed, and one long run each week along with two strength or cross days. I have started following this and enjoy it. Most plans online offer ideas for each type of workouts and it should help you prevent falling into a rut!

3. For the strength days, Kara (Ya, we’re on a first name basis) suggests a five week rotation with two strength programs. Week 1 you do 12 sets of 3 with easy weight, Week 2 is 10 sets of 3 with more weight, Week 3 is 8 sets of 3 with more weight, and Week 4 is 6 sets of 3 with more weight, and Week 5 is a break! Then you repeat!

Day 1 of Strength is the following 8 exercises:

1. Barbell Squat: Make sure to use proper form for the squat and keep your back straight.

2. Dumbbell Incline Press: Set the bench at a 45 degree angle and press up with dumbbells.

3. One-leg Dumbbell Deadlift: look this up online. It’s easier than explaining.

4. Pull-ups: pull up with palms facing away from you.

5. Dumbbell Step-up: Hold dumbbells and step up with one foot at a time.

6. Tricep Push-down: Use the cable machine with the rope attachment.

7. Back Extension: From standing position, bend over at the waist, then stand back up. Hold a weight plate for weight.

8. Crunches: Obvious….

Day 2 of Strength:

1. One leg squat: I like to use dumbbells, but a bar works. Put one foot back on a bench and don’t let your knee go over the toe.

2. Dumbbell bench press: Same as above, just not incline.

3. Dead Lift: Deadlift with a bar and weights. Keep your back straight.

4. Chin-ups: Your palms are facing you and lift up. If you need to modify, use a chair or band.

5. Dumbbell lunge: Don’t let your knee go over your toe. You can cause injury. Do each leg the full amount.

6. Dumbbell bicep curl: Keep your arms close to your body and isolate your biceps without swinging your whole body.

7. Superman: Lay flat on your belly and lift your arms and legs up off the floor.

8. Medicine Ball Twist: Lift your feet off the floor and lean back at an angle. Move a weighted ball side to side.

If you have any hesitation about a move, just look it up online. There are plenty of demonstration videos available! Remember that you have four weeks to increase weight, and NEVER feel weak if you need to decrease your weight. Safety is important.

There were so many more amazing tips that I didn’t list. It is well worth your time and money no matter what your ability is!

Until next time, Whitney.

Fitness During the Work Day

Post by Emily 🙂

One of my favorite fitness blogs to follow is Tone It Up. Aside from being awesome and having awesome hair, each week they (Karena & Katrina) post a fitness schedule for their followers, which includes an awesome community of like-minded girls. Last week one of their workouts was the Toning, Posture, and Sculpting Workout specifically designed to be done at a desk.

I did it at work last week and was surprised at how effective it seemed to be. This week I have added new fitness challenges into my day to continue working on my fitness while at work. Now, these moves are primarily embarrassment proof– you won’t catch me doing burpees in my classroom! So here is what I have been doing:

    • Every time I go to the bathroom= 20 squats (yes, I do these in the bathroom stall)
    • During my planning period= 30 tricep dips, 30 shoulder squeezes
    • 100 seated ab twists 2x daily

I also take the a walk during passing periods to mingle with students and to fill my water bottle up at the furthest water fountain from my room. One of my students told me that I drink so much water that it makes them thirsty, a compliment of course! What do you do to stay fit during the day?
photo (6)To see what I eat on a mostly-daily basis follow us on Instagram and to see what is inspiring us lately follow us on Pinterest!